Il nostro partner Guatemalteco UPAVIM sta ricercando volontari per il loro centro socio sanitario situato in un popoloso quartiere popolare di Città del Guatemala. Le loro attività sono rivolte principalmente a donne con problemi socio-economici e familiari e ai loro bambini.
Si tratta di un’opportunità di esperienza e di lavoro presso una struttura che si dedica al 100% al miglioramento delle condizioni di vita di donne e bambini, al tempo stesso tempo si farà conoscenza con la non facile realtà dei quartieri popolari di città del Guatemala.
Sul loro sito potete leggere la storia e le attività, e c’è anche una sezione dedicata proprio al lavoro volontario
Ecco la loro richiesta:
Are you or someone you know looking for a new volunteer opportunity? How about the chance to live and work in Guatemala? UPAVIM is seeking highly motivated and caring volunteers to work in the tutoring center and teach children grades K-6.
The Role of the Volunteer
Most volunteers at UPAVIM have found their experience to be demanding but extremely rewarding. Working and living in a developing country demands a lot of energy and flexibility, which is something that needs to be considered before making this decision. Many volunteers have found room for their own creativity and interest and the program is constantly improving through the special talents and ideas of volunteers.
As well as the actual tutoring, volunteers make home visits, meet with the scholarship committee periodically, and Saturday mornings they plan and participate in extra-curricular activities such as games, sports and art projects with kids in the program. They also meet with the principals and teachers in the three schools located in La Esperanza to find out what the different classes are studying and to facilitate good relations between UPAVIM and the schools. During vacation (October to January), the program becomes more of a summer camp, focusing on activities such as theater, athletics, games, art, and reading.